Agnes Gasnier
Energetician - Sound therapist
Welcome !
Holistic medicine is an unconventional medicine that deals with the whole person: body, soul and spirit. As an Energetician - Holistic Healer, I integrate different therapies to relieve you and help you find yourself, reconnect to yourself.
My energy treatments are divided into 4 themes :
Energy depollution: disenchantments, energy and psycho-emotional releases for people, places of life or work as well as animals, and more!
Disenchantments - Exorcisms
Quantum healing, energy health, addictions...
Sound therapy
In practice....
Apart from sound therapy treatments, I practice energy treatments mainly
remotely . After a first contact by phone, email or sms, and after payment , I will perform the treatment within the time I will have indicated to you, in principle only a few days. Then, I give you a feedback on what will have been cleared, the blockages... then follows a moment of exchanges and understandings. It is possible that after a treatment, you feel tired, it is completely normal: the tensions are released, the body recovers, the release of energies takes place...