Quantum healing, energy health, addictions
The treatments below come after having carried out the main "depollution" treatment because it is preferable to have freed yourself from what disturbs the body and the mind before thinking about re-balancing them energetically, or working on a point . health or addiction … Many health problems can arise from energy pollution, so it is best to have done this treatment beforehand.
Quantum Reharmonizing Healing
This treatment aims to refocus the various subtle bodies and allows a better circulation of physical and subtle energies in the energy centers (the chakras).
I work on quantum harmonization from the 5 elements of Chinese medicine (wood / water / metal / fire / earth), but also colors , elixirs , minerals , Bach flowers …. And all that is blown to me by my reliance.
Body and mind are naturally re-balanced . It often happens that tensions are released during the treatment. I advise you to welcome them and let them go for optimal appeasement.
The feeling during this treatment depends on the receptivity of each one: tingling , warmth , serenity , appeasement ... and even if you don't feel anything , be sure that the work is still being done! You don't have to do anything in particular except welcome the sensations you perceive and drink some water.
This treatment is a complement to the depollution treatment, it strengthens and perpetuates it.
Health and energy health
In the event of a particular health problem , be it eczema, thyroid problems, bulimia, anorexia, mental health and in general any illness, my quantum care can give a boost to the recovery, to get better, but in no case do they replace medical treatment!
For those walking on the spiritual path , it is possible for me to help to advance a little faster... to help the development of extra-sensory capacities (clairvoyance, clairaudience...), if and only if, that is just for you .
Whatever your situation, do not hesitate to test this treatment and tell me about your problem!
Are you trapped in an addiction? Tobacco ? Alcohol ? Drugs ? or sugar ?!
My quantum treatments can give a boost to withdrawal , to get better, but in no case do they replace medical treatment!
Whatever your situation, do not hesitate to test this treatment and tell me about your problem!